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Energy management involves the organized and efficient control of energy use in buildings or organizations to meet environmental and economic objectives.

Emergency lighting for a commercial property refers to a lighting system specifically designed and installed to ensure the safety and well-being of occupants during an emergency situation. It serves as a crucial element of the building's emergency preparedness plan and helps facilitate safe evacuation and movement within the premises in the event of a power outage or other emergencies.

Why is emergency lighting important?

Ensuring emergency lighting functions properly isn’t just a legal obligation; it shows care for occupants and shields your business from liability. Regular emergency lighting tests fulfill your ‘Duty of Care‘, ensuring safety during emergencies.

This vital testing ensures functional exit and emergency lights, as well as battery durability for at least 90 minutes during power outages or fires. We offer convenient on-site or workshop services for testing, maintenance, and repairs, helping you comply with fire safety codes and prioritize building occupants’ well-being.

Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland
Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland

Legal Compliance

Regular emergency lighting testing is legally required for commercial buildings, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and demonstrating adherence to standards.

Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland

Occupant Safety

Emergency lighting is essential for occupant safety during emergencies like power outages or fires. It guides people to exits and vital resources, enabling swift and safe evacuation.
Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland

Liability Protection

Testing emergency lighting equipment demonstrates building owners’ proactive “Duty of Care” towards tenants/customers, reducing accidents, panic, and liability risks during emergencies.

Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland

Reliable Performance

Testing emergency lighting ensures functionality, including exit signs and battery endurance, for effective guidance during emergencies.

Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland

Emergency lighting services

Trilect specializes in the professional design, installation, and maintenance of a wide range of Exit and Emergency lighting systems, offering comprehensive services to meet your specific needs.

Central Battery Systems

Stand-alone single-point units

Nexus LX & Nexus RF computer-monitored systems

Trilect team designs, installs, and maintains critical systems for optimal performance and safety compliance, ensuring peace of mind during emergencies.

Trilect is Trusted by New Zealand businesses since 1997

Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland

Always choose Trilect

We should/ are/ need to be your first point of contact when it comes to commercial electrical projects


We Install and Service

Our highly skilled team takes full responsibility for installation to guarantee a seamless and stress-free experience.


Set & Achieve Higher Standards

With decades of industry experience, our top-notch services are delivered by well-trained and professional electricians.


24/7 Emergency Service

Interruptions in electrical service can have severe consequences, such as financial losses, dissatisfied customers, and increased maintenance and repair costs.



Trilect team adhere to strict safety standards and procedures to ensure that our clients and their property are safe during and after the installation or repair.


Innovative Solutions

We stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and innovations in the industry, allowing us to offer creative and efficient solutions to our clients’ electrical needs.


After-Sales Support

Our team is always available to answer questions, provide advice, and help with any issues that may arise after the completion of the project.

Read our full statement here

Collaborating with leading NZ businesses

We feel grateful to work with New Zealand's leading businesses, as their unwavering trust in us has been the driving force behind our success.

Certified & Accredited

As proud accredited members of these leading New Zealand organizations, we are committed to upholding their values and advancing our industry.

Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland
Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland
Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland
Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland
Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland

A rare breed of electrician

Trilect stands out as a unique and unparalleled company in the field of commercial electrical services, backed by years of experience, advanced technology, and expert knowledge. Our team of dedicated professionals offers customized solutions that are unmatched in the industry.

Contact us today to experience our exceptional service and expertise.

Emergency Lighting - Gate Auckland